the cramps

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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the cramps

Post by bourbonbastard »

well, me and my drummer and my singer went to see the cramps in Chiacgo awhile back... we started out by waking up the drummers house, had an eye opener, went and ate some food, and made his neighbor drive us to the train station... drank on the train down, drank when we got off the train at some irish pub on the northside, and proceeded to get on the el and made it to the loop. we were early, so we found some college bar and "livened the place up" a little bit... made our way to the show, got in and porceeded to order drinks... jim beam black for 7 bux ok, the "bartender" informs me a double is only a buck more... ok... I go up to the balcony to check things out and as I'm walking back downstairs, security goon grabs me, asks for my ticket and proceeds to bum rush me out the door... I wasn't even staggering yet, and the opening band had just started.... I still don't know why.... I am on the sidewalk, and I look over and there is my drummer on the sidewalk, puking everywhere... I go over, help him up and then it dawns on me- I see the van of the band that my ex-gf's new beau is in, it turns out they are the opening band... ok... I direct my drummer towards the van, he pukes all over it.... I key the shit out of it (I am sure that the dude who my gf left me for told secutiry to 86 us) and a cab pulls up full of girls... they get out and I corral my drummer in and get in myself... the girls are like, "where are YOU going?" (cute girls, too, I might add) and I reply "We've got BETTER stuff to do..." and the cab pulls off... cabbie asks me "where to?" and I say "KENOSHA" and he asks, "What street is that on?" and I say "No, Kenosha, WISCONSIN...."

Three Hundred and Forty Dollar cab ride later, we're in front of the beer store by my drummer's house... grab a couple of sixc packs, proceed walking home, and right when we're walking past the ER he falls over and beers go flying... the cop wasn't amused, but let us go...

My poor singer stayed in Chicago, looking for us for 2 days.....

And I never got to see the Cramps

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Post by daphne »

Wow. I can't top that.
RIP Frederick and my beloved GatorX
You deserve all the puffery you can get
daph and grip say "bourbony goodness!"

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big mike
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Post by big mike »

Impressive,to bad you missed the band
It's the journey, not the destination. Live free and ride. Big Mike

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Post by bluebottle »

the cramps are like, in the top five of my all time faves. best album? "SMELL OF FEMALE!" also love rocknnreelininauklandnewzealand. poison ivy rocks!

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